Please support the podcast: https://www.patreon.com/matterall.
EVE News Chief, Matterall, sits down with fellow EVE Online players to discuss news, politics, and personalities from the long-lived MMO game. Recorded live on Twitch: TheMittani Channel.
TMC will migrate to new news and community site, new concept
Twitch Con
CCP London Move Official
War and Politics in EVE
Sion’s on why Endie is bad
TMC and the struggles since EVE Vegas 2015
Matterall (Northern Coalition, writer/editor TMC)
Dirk MacGirk (Pandemic Legion, Open Comms Show, writer)
NosyGamer (Carebear, The Nosy Gamer blog)
Seraph IX Basarab – (Co2, writer/editor at EN24)
Dreydan Torvirr (The Bastion, Open Comms show)
Youtube.com: http://j.mp/2bf0xIl
Twitch.com: https://www.twitch.tv/themittanidotcom/v/89758867
Soundtrack: But Not Tonight (Depeche Mode)